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Four Creative Steps to Healing

Ever have the feeling that dis-ease was controlling your life? Perhaps it's not even a chronic illness. Do you harbor anger? Resentment? Frustration?

Over the years I’ve seen all of these having a negative impact on my client’s life. Therefore, in this short article, I thought I'd look at "Four Creative Steps to Healing." From it, I hope you'll gain insight into yourself, your behaviors, and perhaps the way you deposit or withdraw from your own healing...

Step One: Understand Your Energy

We've all heard about the aura that surrounds the body, but what could this possibly have to do with our health? The energetic exchange that happens within this field is where our thoughts become translated into energy (or one's biography becoming their biology).

Translation: These cycles or waves of energy that surround our body are a function of our thoughts. Thoughts are energy waves then, that affect our health in a positive or negative way. Let's look a little closer to see why this happens:

The contributors to this energy surrounding the body are the 7 major "chakras" (chakra in Sanskrit means "wheel or vortex"). It may help to refer to each energy wheel as a "computer," one which collects and interprets information and β€œperceptions” the mind has about the world. It has been shown scientifically that each of these 7 wheels of energy corresponds to a particular endocrine gland in the body.

Translation: In light of the adage, "you are what you eat" we could conclude with some degree of certainty that "you are what you think." To know more about the Chakra System click here ………

Step Two: Let Go of Old Wounds

Now that you've been (hopefully) examining your thoughts and translating all of your negative energy into positive, we throw in another curve ball. Would you agree that "healing is unattractive?" I need you to take some time to think about this: Why in the world would healing be unattractive?

Answer: Our wounds give us power! And after careful contemplation, I've outlined three ways that we allow this to happen (and we’ve all been guilty of it at some point).

Ask yourself: Are you leading with your wounds? You'll know if you have done any of the following:

1. Used Wounds to Manipulate a Situation or a Person.

Let's say we find a situation unsavory, scary, or inflaming a personal "hot button." Have you ever avoided a situation that you really needed to face head-on? Or, how 'bout this one: "I just can't get into this relationship - I've been burned before!" therefore, using this to avoid loving unconditionally. How many times have you done this?

2. Use Them to Attract Other Wounded Souls Who Want to Exchange in the β€œWound” Game.

In listening to another share their wounds, have you given up compassion for wound ante – β€œI’ll see you and raise you one.” Agreed, there is a difference between healing from a wound and β€œleading with a wound" but, in my humble opinion, I'd be willing to bet that we know the difference between being healthy and not. For example, I know when I’m healthy when I can listen with empathy, void of getting out my toolbox to β€œfix" or laying out my wounds unsolicited.

3. Give Up Our Ability to Listen.

It is said many times that listening is the work of angels. Many times, listening is all we have in a situation when someone calls on us for help. If we express what we call β€œwoundology" or "leading with our wounds" we're saying that we can’t stand the loss of power and desire all the attention for our self. (This does not help our friend who has called us for an active listening ear).

When someone confides in you about a situation where they had lost a loved one. While listening attentively, our mind searches its experiences for a similar event. All this so we could say: β€œOh that’s terrible! Don’t feel so bad though, because I’ve been through this thing that is so much worse!"

To reclaim our character, however, (and after we realized what was happening), we need to catch ourselves and pull ourselves up. In reality, all this person really needed was our ear to listen unconditionally.

Step Three: Learn to Forgive Yourself and Others

The final two steps are remedies that can help heal our anger, resentment, and frustration. Step three then is simply forgiveness. For to forgive in earnest takes our energy out of our emotional investment in the past. We give up the need to spend wasted energy making negative deposits into this account, and ultimately this becomes the fastest way to bring our energy into real-time.

Translation: Trust me, you'll know authentic forgiveness when you experience it. The body literally β€œlet’s go” of the weight of the past.

Step Four: Love Yourself

The final creative step to healing? Loving yourself, of course! This is the most challenging concept, in my opinion. Why? To begin we must start where we are, and love and accept ourselves for who we are today. How does this help our health? It's simple, when we realize that we are stunting our personal growth and health through negative self-talk, we can then begin to love ourselves one piece at a time.

Here’s how it’s done

Every day spend 5 to 15 minutes in Meditation sending love!

Start small by finding one part of yourself to love. Each day, or week, or month choose new parts of yourself to love.

Before long, you'll find unconditional love for yourself and you'll have purified your energy, to boot!

In closing, we could make all of these steps very simple, indeed. For there is only one step here that will make you healthy and happy. Remember: It's when we've learned to love ourselves that we can truly be healed and ready to move on to unconditionally loving others.

Author | Julie Jenkins

Founder - Natura Institute

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